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Show full transcript for Household Cleaning Products Poisoning and first aid video

Preventing Household Poisoning in Children

Risks and Awareness

Thousands of children and infants require medical care each year due to poisoning from common household products.

  • Most Vulnerable Group: Children under five, especially those aged one to three, are at the highest risk.
  • UK Hospital Admissions: Approximately 15 children under five are admitted daily due to sudden poisoning incidents.

Causes of Poisoning

Young children are particularly vulnerable due to:

  • Inquisitiveness and exploration leading to ingestion of household items.
  • Copying behaviours, including handling dangerous products.
  • Mistaking detergent capsules for toys or sweets, posing ingestion and eye irritation risks.

Symptoms of Poisoning

Serious poisoning may present with:

  • Projectile vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Drowsiness or reduced consciousness
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Seizures

Immediate Actions for Suspected Poisoning

  • Seek Medical Help: Contact emergency services immediately.
  • Do Not: Allow the child to drink anything or induce vomiting.
  • Preserve Evidence: Keep a sample of the substance if known.
  • Unconscious Child: Attempt to wake them and encourage spitting out of pills.
  • Chemical Burns: Rinse affected areas with cold water or milk.

Providing Medical Information

When seeking medical assistance, provide:

  • Details of the substance ingested, timing, and quantity if known.
  • Circumstances of ingestion (accidental or deliberate).
  • Any observed symptoms like vomiting.

Preventing Accidents with Household Cleaning Products

  • Supervise Closely: Monitor children closely in home environments.
  • Secure Storage: Store chemicals out of sight and reach, ideally in locked cupboards.
  • Use Original Containers: Keep products in their original labelled containers.
  • Immediate Disposal: Dispose of unwanted products safely and promptly.
  • Separate Storage: Store cleaning products away from food and medicine.
  • Follow Instructions: Use products strictly according to label instructions.
  • Avoid Mixing: Do not mix household chemicals, as this can create hazardous gases.

  • IPOSi Unit four LO5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4