Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full Family First Aid Level 2 (VTQ) program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.

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Congratulations on Completing Your Course!

Flexible Learning Options

Our courses offer the flexibility of 100% online learning. Additionally, you have the option to enhance your skills with a practical session.

Practical Skills Session

If you prefer hands-on training, our approved and monitored instructors can conduct practical skills sessions at your workplace, regional training centres, or even virtually through our online training platform.

Locating a Local Instructor

If you need assistance finding a nearby instructor or wish to arrange a workplace visit, please get in touch with us via phone, email, or our online chat feature.

Access and Review

You'll have access to the course for eight months, allowing you to revisit and refresh your skills. Keep an eye out for any new instructional videos we may add.

Course Test

Now, it's time to take the course test. You have the opportunity to review videos, documents, and student resources before starting the test.

Test Guidelines

The test has no time limit but must be completed in one sitting. Questions include multiple-choice and true/false. Incorrect answers prompt additional guidance, and you can make different choices without affecting your final score.

Adaptive Testing System

Our adaptive testing system ensures that each participant receives different questions. Successful completion of each course section is required. If you don't pass a section, extra questions will be provided, and you can retake the test after reviewing course materials.

Completion Certificates

Once you pass the test, you can print your completion certificate. Visit the course homepage anytime to print your Certified CPD statement and evidence-based learning statement.

Explore Our Offerings

ProTrainings offers a wide range of courses, with over 300 available at regional centres or your workplace. Many are offered as remote virtual courses, with live online instruction.

Contact Us

For course inquiries or group training solutions, please reach out to us at 01206 805359 or via email at

Thank you for selecting ProTrainings! Best of luck with your test.