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Show full transcript for Child CPR Breakdown video

CPR for Children: Step-by-Step Guide

Initial Actions

Recognizing the Emergency: If the child is not breathing, initiate immediate CPR.

Providing Rescue Breaths

Open the Airway: Gently lift the child's chin while pushing the forehead to ensure a clear airway.

Effective Seal: Prevent air from escaping through the nose by gently squeezing it and sealing your mouth over the child's.

Face Shield or Mask: Using a face shield or mask is recommended, though it may not be available in all situations.

Five Breaths: Administer five breaths, each lasting about a second, ensuring visible chest rise.

Commencing Chest Compressions

Single-Hand Compressions: Position one hand in the chest's center for 30 compressions, following the demonstrated technique.

Compression-Breath Ratio: After compressions, provide 2 breaths, maintaining a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths.

Compression Rate: Aim for a compression rate of 100 to 120 per minute to effectively circulate blood throughout the body.

Solo Rescuer or Waiting for EMS

Alone with Child: If you are alone, perform breaths and compressions for 1 minute, then seek help.

EMS Arrival: Continue CPR until the EMS arrives or the child begins breathing.

Maintaining Composure

Emotional Challenge: CPR on a child can be distressing, but stay as calm as possible and provide detailed information to the Emergency Services upon their arrival.

The Vital Link: Remember, performing CPR on an unresponsive child is a crucial step in the chain of survival, significantly increasing the chances of EMS saving the child's life.

Follow these steps diligently to perform CPR effectively on a child.